
Global Indie Competition


Competition for indie game creators from around the world

Global Indie Competition

The Global Indie Competition is a brand-new initiative aimed at indie game creators from around the world. The primary objective of the competition is to showcase the best submitted projects and support their creators in further development. Winners of the competition will receive highly attractive prizes that undoubtedly aid in achieving both of the aforementioned goals.

Exhibit game in Poznan!

The main prize in the competition is a free booth at Poznań Game Arena or Game Industry Conference. Additionally, the winner gains the opportunity to compete in the prestigious PGA Awards and engage with other indie game creators present at Poznań Game Arena.

Xsolla - the partner of the first edition of the competition.

The strategic partner of the first edition of the competition, held in 2022, was Xsolla. Xsolla is an international company specializing in video game commerce, equipped with a robust and powerful set of tools and services designed specifically for the gaming industry. As an innovative leader in game commerce, Xsolla continues to tackle the inherent complexities of global distribution, marketing, and monetization, enabling its partners to increase their audience, engagement, and revenue. Xsolla has prepared a range of attractive prizes that will be awarded to the highest-rated projects.

Hosts and Partners of the Event

This project is organized in conjunction with two key events in the gaming industry – Poznań Game Arena and Game Industry Conference, which gather tens of thousands of gaming enthusiasts each year.

PGA is the largest trade fair for computer games and multimedia entertainment in Central-Eastern Europe. Every year during PGA, attendees can play dozens of the latest premiere and pre-release titles on the newest gaming equipment. The event is complemented by top-tier esports tournaments, cosplay showcases, meetings with influencers, and a fantastic indie game zone offering over 100 titles to play.

The Game Industry Conference is an event designed for those who want to expand their knowledge about game development. The conference program is filled with dozens of inspiring conversations and lectures where renowned and esteemed game creators eagerly share their invaluable experiences. Additionally, the event offers exceptional B2B networking opportunities to connect with industry professionals from Poland and most of Central-Eastern Europe through a meeting system that helps find suitable business partners.

 Imprezy, podczas których możesz poznać wystawców są nieodłączną częścią PGA i Industry Game Conference

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